Observations –
- above all else, guard your heart
- Correlation between heart and life? what are issues of life?
- Guard your heart from what.
- Life consists in heart condition.
Well Will Maxwell and I looked at things the above all else and felt like he was kinda talking about the heart, but also that the heart was the source to the eyes, conduct, ears, mouth, and feet. Then read Matt.12:34-35 which was basically whats in your heart will bring forth either good or bad. So next thought about the correlation of the spring in your life and how your spring will either be pure or unclean(mark7:19-23) and that it can all be traced back to the heart. Hence, we must keep our hearts pure, because if the heart is not pure the life can’t be pure. How do you keep pure and the issues of life pure? Fixing eyes on Jesus for because of the cross the wrath of God is taken away and for only He can cleanse and purge you from all sin and clean you out and psalm 119:11-hiding the word in your heart so that won’t sin and prayer(php.4:6-7(emphasis on peace). So guard your mind/thoughts-Col. 3:1, speech-1 Peter 4:11, Eph. 5:3-4, James 3, prov. 4:24, eyes Job 31:1(kinda like 911 but 311 in other words if your looking over 3 seconds it could become impure) and mt. 6:22, feet – prov. 4:26-27. I also thought about CO- augusta project verse and it is psalm 86:11 and that I need to have a heart that is undivided. Colossians 3 talks about putting to death yada yada yada and clothing yourself with compassion, gentleness and above all else love. Then, the next verse talks about letting the peace of Christ rule in your heart. We all desire to live a joyful, abundant life. Lets remember that do that the heart must be at peace. Mt. 6 No one can serve 2 masters and our hearts only have enough room in it to pursue one object fully. The reading for the week is chapter 3 of John Piper’s Don’t Waste your Life and it talks about Gal. 2:20 and he says, “Every enjoyment in this life and the next that is not idolatry is a tribute to the infinite value of the cross of Christ the burning center of the glory of God. And thus a cross-centered, cross-exalting, cross-saturated life is a God-glorifying life- the only God-glorifying life. All others are wasted.” Therefore, Will Maxwell and I applied this in our lives in a few ways. Daily have Jesus in our hearts through the word and be in prayer always for peace. Guard your heart and others heart in every way(speech, eyes, etc). Finally, to cleanse your heart before you act upon the sin in your. Matthew 6:21, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. My prayer as of now is that of 2 Chr. 16:9.